Cutezee Cooking Academy Ellie Cupcakes - Play Dora Girl Games

Game Description
Cutezee Cooking Academy Ellie Cupcakes
Chef Cutezee is back with a brand new recipe which I am sure you will love. This recipe is a dessert and the decoration is very unique. You will need great ingredients and kitchen utensils in order to make it and Chef Cutezee will explain each step. Start the very fun game called Cutezee Cooking Academy Ellie Cupcakes and find the mixer, cupcake tray, salt, flour, milk, eggs, sugar, butter and vanilla. The first step of the cooking lesson is to Paulr the ingredients in the mixing bowl and mix really well at high speed. Have fun playing the game called Cutezee Cooking Academy Ellie Cupcakes!

Game Title: Cutezee Cooking Academy Ellie Cupcakes
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